1. Where were you born and where did you study graphic design?
I’m originally from Canberra and studied a Diploma of Computer Game Development at the AIE (Academy of Interactive Entertainment)
2. Where are you living now?
I live up in Brisbane now.
3. Why did you become a 3D artist?
I’ve always loved video games and wanted to make them!
4. Why did you get into 3D printing and how long have you been 3D printing?
Miniatures have always interested me and 3D printing gave me the freedom to create my own. I’ve been printing for a year now and loved every minute!
5. What are your favorite things to 3d design and print?
Any type of creature or monster, I’m focusing on tabletop designs for D&D at the moment.
6. What printers do you have at the moment?
I have an Anycubic Photon right now but would really like something larger.
7. What is your favourite 3D printer?
I’ve only had a Photon but the details resin give you definitely make them my favourite type of printer.
8. What software do you use for 3d modeling?
I use a combination of Maya and Zbrush.
9. What about for slicing? & Supports?
I’m using PrusaSlicer for supports and ChiTuBox for slicing
10. Why did you fall in love with our Monocure Resin?
It gives great detail, it’s really easy to get a hold of and the grey reminds me of my early days learning to model and render.
11. How do you post cure your models?
I have a little home made UV light box
12. How do you wash your models?
Resinaway of course
13. Do you paint, spray or brush? If so, whats the process?
Spraying on primer is as far as I get!
14. What type of paint do you use?
I really love the range of MTN water based paints
15. What advice can you give to a person starting out in Graphic Design and 3D printing?
You can never have too much reference! Practice, practice, practice – don’t worry about which app you’re using, a polygon is a polygon and most modelling techniques are transferable across all the 3D apps. Just have fun creating and work out your own style!
16. When your not 3D printing or designing, what do you do in your spare time?
I love to get to the gym, do a bit of gaming and work on my bonsai.
17. Where’s your favourite holiday destination and why?
I don’t get a lot of time for holidays but I’d love to visit Japan.
18. Where do you think 3D printing will be in 10 years time?
It’s progressing so fast it will probably be unimaginable in 10 years time. If I had to guess I’d say printing time reduced to minutes and a far broader range of materials.
19. Any awards, memorable moments, funny stories you would like to share?
Getting my first job in a game studio was a pretty memorable moment. That was at Krome Studios which lead me onto working for Sega, with a few other smaller studios along the way.
More recently just seeing people using and enjoying my designs is making right now quite memorable.