This is a favourite of our Lab Technicians! It has heaps of detail and covers a wide range of angles. Use the arrows at the bottom right to tell if the model is under-cured or over-cured. They should be just touching with no gap or overlap. The bridge is a great test to make sure you have dialled in your settings correctly. Your print should look like the picture if the layer times are spot on.
This version adds a tapered bottom (0.5mm 45deg) that counteracts a 10 layer transition (Mono X) or any sliced file that has one base layer followed by 10 transition layers. Gets rid of the elephants foot and prevents the holes closing up on the build plate side. It also is less likely to have the thinnest bars snap off during the print as they also taper upwards from thick to thin. The closed letters on the Monocure 3D text now have small holes to prevent the resin traps.