BurnAway Technical Datasheet: Coming Soon
Stay tuned for the upcoming release of our comprehensive Technical Datasheet for BurnAway, the investment casting resin from Monocure 3D. This datasheet provides you with all the details and specifications needed to maximise BurnAway resin’s potential in your projects.

What to Expect:

Detailed Specifications: Learn about BurnAway’s unique properties, including viscosity, tensile strength, elongation at break, and heat deflection temperature, to understand how it can be used in your specific casting applications.

Optimal Printing Conditions: Learn the recommended settings for different types of DLP and MSLA 3D printers, ensuring that you achieve the best possible results with every print.

Post-Processing Guidelines: Discover the ideal procedures for washing, curing, and post-processing your printed items to maintain the integrity of your designs and ensure flawless castings.

Burnout Schedule: Get access to a detailed burnout schedule tailored specifically for BurnAway, designed to provide clean, ash-free burns, leaving behind perfect cavities for metal casting.

Safety Information: Safety is our top priority. The datasheet will include important safety instructions and handling guidelines to use BurnAway safely and effectively in your workspace.

Troubleshooting Tips: Find solutions to common problems and tips on how to avoid typical casting and printing issues, making your process smoother and more efficient.

Application Examples: Be inspired by various application examples demonstrating BurnAway’s versatility and superior performance in different settings, from jewellery to industrial components.

The BurnAway Technical Datasheet is an invaluable resource for both new and experienced users, ensuring you can leverage this innovative resin’s full capabilities. Keep an eye on our website and social media channels for the official release date and be the first to access this essential compilation of knowledge and tips.

Monocure 3D is committed to providing high-quality products and resources to our customers. We’re excited to help you take your casting projects to the next level with the upcoming BurnAway Technical Datasheet.