The HALOT-MAGE S 14K Resin 3D Printer is the evolution of the range, leaping in resolution from the 8K printer that impressed us so much earlier in the year. There are a few key differences beyond just the resolution between the HALOT-MAGE Pro and the HALOT-MAGE S, with this printer focusing more on high-quality sharp edges and resolution than the speed of the 8K version.

The HALOT-MAGE S again has a large LCD screen, impressive speeds, and a variety of options that enable you to upgrade certain features, such as the smart resin pump, as and when you need them. What is surprising is that the HALOT-MAGE S, offering a higher resolution, will create more detailed models than the Pro version. It also comes at a slightly lower price.

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HALOT mage S 14K Printer Specifications

Operation : 4.3″ color touchscreen Light Intensity: 3500±10%μW/cm²
Software : HALOT BOX/CHITUBOX/Tango Printing Speed: 150mm/h
Connectivity: USB Drive, RJ45 Ethernet Cable, WiFi Rated Power: 100W
Technology: 10.1″ Machine size: 333x270x608mm
Light-source: LCD Print size: 223*126*230mm
XY Resolution: 16.8*24.8μm Material: 405nm UV Resin
Z Axis Res.: 0.05-0.2mm Net Weight: 13.13kg

HALOT mage S 14K Settings

Try our UNICAL™ Calibration Model

If you’re trying Monocure 3D Resin for the first time or have just got a new printer, you’ll need to tweak your slicer settings to ensure perfect synergy between our resin and your printer. The most efficient way to achieve this is by using a Calibration Model. These small, intricate models are quick to print. To calibrate your printer using the UNICAL™ Download the STL model here and for step-by-step instructions on how to use the UNICAL™ head to our 3D Calibration Model Page.